Quote of the Week:

Curiosity will conquer fear even more than bravery will. James Stephens (1882-1950)

Saturday, April 30, 2011

From Nestlings to Fledgings

I think my babies are about to fly the coop... Which is so exciting. I've had them hardly a week and they are already starting to hop around and trying to leave the nest. Couple more days and I think they will be flying. Their wings are coming in so nicely. I have two right now that are the bravest. They like to sit on the edge of their bowl and look around at everything. Teddy likes to sniff at the them but for a dog he lacks the enthusiasm to actually try and "get" them. Mike will be cleaning up our "flying" box soon and then when they are able to fly and get food on their own we'll be having a freedom celebration. Have to go to the pet store an stock up on mill worms and a pair of tweezers. This should be interesting... Here are some pics.

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